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Wednesday 12 January 2011

Can you spot the baby?

All but one of the doves sitting on the roof of the dove cote after having their breakfast.  The baby is the one sitting by himself.  It looks like he is being left out but actually this was just after he had fledged and he would keep of to one side.  I think he didn't want to be crowded until he got the hang of the balancing and flying thing!  He is certainly in the thick of it all now.  The doves like to sit on the roof of the house, then have a walk around on the grass, then go to the next roof, always in a group.  The big daddy goes off by himself and everyone makes a fuss of him when he returns, he doesn't exactly go far though.

Happy wedding anniversary to me and John!

I just found out that the 8th anniversary is bronze!  John has done very well, he tells everyone that he is so organised he has all the dates he has to worry about in a two week slot (Christmas, New Year, my birthday, wedding anniversary) so he can't forget - as long as I remember the boys birthdays...... We actually had to sit down and count how many years we had been married as neither of us could remember! 

Happy birthday to me

I am officially ancient, I took this self portrait this morning to document how young I am managing to look!  Only joking, but I don't think I qualify as a bright young thing any more!

A very belated happy new year!

Happy New Year!!!  My excuse for being so late is I have been completely run off my feet with lots of new plans (more details at a later date) as well as all the normal day to day stuff as well.  I hope that it is the best year yet for everyone!